List of committees

This page contains the list of all active committees at G.T.C. Walhalla. Learn everything about them by clicking on the boxes. Want to learn more about committees at Walhalla? Check the general info page about committees! Interested in joining a committee, mail the chair of the committee, the board (General Affairs), and check out this page!

The activities commitee is a collection of fun people who wants to organise events for our own Walhalla members. Most of the time this committee gather during lunch time on mondays to schedule their activities for the upcoming weeks. The activities take place mainly on Wednesday and include things like tennisbeerpong, Winetastings, pubquizzes and many more! Current members:
  • Ilse Bos – Chair
  • Mathijs Kreisel
  • Karlijn de Kool
  • Lune van Dijk
  • Noa van Keulen
  • Ruben de Zeeuw
  • Lennart Kasteel
You can contact us at If you are interested in joining the accie, please fill in the form here ...
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The AIDcie is in charge of organising all activities surrounding the AID. This involves sports clinics, workshops, info markets, campus games, managing Walhalla volunteers, keep the bar open and organise the ‘klusweekend’. The AIDcie:
  • Pien Ruempol
  • Lisette Beeris
  • Ruben Wartena
  • Floris Dautzenberg
After the AID, the TEITCie takes over the function of introducing the first year members. This happens in period 1 and 2 with the TEIT, the TEnnis Introduction Time of Walhalla. Are you a first years student and joining Walhalla? Learn more about the TEIT and join! ...
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Since G.T.C. Walhalla is responsible of the bar every Tuesday, a bar-committee is installed. To provide good service and have motivated members to help out with the most-wanted beers, a group of enthusiastic members is asked to take this precious task. The bar has to be provided from 19:30 until minimal 23:30 with members of G.T.C. Walhalla. Experience in hospitality is handy, however not necessary. So, this is the perfect timing to boost your skills. The committee is free to fill in the shifts how they want it. In general every member has a shift twice a period and one ...
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Some of our former board members are asked to join this precious committee.
This committee functions as an advice organ to the current board. Since former board members are part of this organ, they know how it is to function in the board of G.T.C. Walhalla ...
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This committee promotes the activities of extern parties, for example the other Dutch student tennis associations. They also visit the extern activities a lot.

Besides the committee will organise big events outside G.T.C. Walhalla and activities together with other associations.
An example would be the weekend to Paris including visiting Rolland Garros. Current members
  • Bart vermeer – chairman
  • Jehan paul koch
  • Nikos Kasander
  • Pien Ruempol
  • Emma Bot
  • Lotte Demarteau
You can contact us at If you are interested in joining the externcie, please fill in the form here External tournaments External tournaments are tournaments at other ...
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The Feestcie organises a couple of Walhalla parties every year at our own Toko! Current members:
  • Stefan Visser – Chair
  • Chantal van Everdingen
  • Lieve Stemerdink
  • Marlies Schipper
  • Minke Oosterga
  • Veerle Sanders
  • Sebastiaan de Haas
  • Mayke Graansma
If you are interested in joining the feestcie, please fill in the form here ...
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We organize that one magical night a year, where (instead of our tennis outfits) the gentleman look handsome in their neat suits and the ladies look gorgeous in their sparkling long dresses! We all come together at a surprising and amazing location, where we can enjoy live music from a band and/or DJ, drinks and of course dancing. Current members
  • Hedy Dickmann – Chair
  • Chantal van Everdingen
  • Julie Muris
  • Kris Derks
  • Lennart Kasteel
  • Luuk Zwartenkot
  • Marijn Klos
  • Thijs Kramers
  • Zhi Min Cai
Want to know more about the committee send an email to or talk to one ...
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The KookCie o.d.z. ‘Kooko op de Toko’ is a committee that cooks for Walhalla members every Tuesday before the start of the racket evening. Current members:
  • Ruben Wartena – Chair
  • Axel Eijffius
  • Luuk Zwartenkot
  • Kris Derks
  • Lennart Kasteel
  • Jari Tibboel
  • Thijs Kramers
  • Marieke Leemans
  • Ali Bingöl
  • Amber Rensink
  • Eline Kleijberg
  • Jort van Mulligen
  • Julie Muris
  • Marijn Klos
  • Marlies Schipper
  • Martine Figee
  • May Helfferich
  • Stefan Visser
  • Vincent Meeus
  • Simone Rietveld
If you love cooking and want to join the committee, please fill in the form here ...
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The Media committee (MediaCie) takes and saves photos, and sends them out via the social media channels of Walhalla. In addition, they make promotion material. MediaCie members:
  • Mathijs Kreisel – chair
  • Pien Ruempol
  • Fleur Denissen
  • Ilse Bos
  • Veerle Sanders
  • Diederik Padmos
  • May Helfferich
  • Kyra Tweeboom
  • Meinte Neijenhuis
If you are interested in joining the MediaCie, please fill in the form here ...
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The SkiCie, Walhalla’s ski committee! As winter enthusiasts, we couldn’t resist the urge to bring a bit of snowy adventure to Walhalla. The SkiCie members:
  • Marloes van der Lee – Chair
  • Noa van Keulen – Secretary
  • Stefan Visser – Treasurer
  • Ilse Bos – Commissionair Activities and Promo
If you are interested in joining the SkiCie, please fill in the form ...
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The SportCie organizes sport activities for other sports beside tennis. Members:
  • Luuk Zwartenkot (Chair)
  • Thijs Kramers
  • Kris Derks
  • Vincent Meeus
  • Ischa van Kesteren
Interested in joining this committee? Please send an email to ...
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The TEITCie was established to ensure that the new batch of freshmen feel welcome at the association and to introduce them to Valhalla. This committee ensures that every year a good introduction time is set for the first-year students. From organizing activities to answering questions to first-year students: everything is arranged for optimal TEIT! Current members
  • Marloes van der Lee
  • Stefan Visser
  • Julie Muris
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To improve the integration of our members, the weekend committee will organise an annual members weekend. In 2018 our first (since a lot of time) members weekend was organised, and was a great succes! Do you want to be in control of the WalWeekend? Join the WeekendCie, and help us organise another unforgetable weekend! The date, location, activities and facilities will be arranged by our committee. During the weekend we will be present and function as contact point. Current members
  • Thijs Kramers – Chair
  • Bart Vermeer
  • Fleur Denissen
  • Stefan Visser
  • Kris Derks
You can contact us at ...
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The Walhalla Integratie Partijen Committee (WIPCie) organises Open Tournament of walhalla. Current members:
  • Chair: Marloes van der Lee & Giulia Kleijwegt
  • Vice Chair: Misha van Deursen
  • Secretary: Thijs Kramers
  • Treasurer: Bart Vermeer
  • Commissioner Matches: Sanne de Meij
  • Commissioner Activities: Pieter Vis
  • Assist Commissioner Activities: Mats Huijskens
  • Commissioner Sponsoring: Jort van Mulligen
  • Commissioner Promotion: Lennart Kasteel
  • Assist Commissioner Promotion: Ruben de Zeeuw
If you are interested in joining the WIPcie for the next year, please fill in the form here ...
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