
Internal Competition @ NVLTB
Mar 19 @ 12:04 pm – Apr 26 @ 1:04 pm
Internal Competition @ NVLTB | Wageningen | Gelderland | Netherlands

In periode 5 organiseert de AcCie een interne competitie. Je kunt je inschrijven voor de enkels en/of de (mix)dubbels. De (mix)dubbels worden ingepland op de woensdagavonden, namelijk 28 maart, 4 april en 25 april. Voor de singles kan iedereen zelf een dag inplannen om de wedstrijden te spelen. De spelers in de single worden wel verzocht om 25 april vrij te houden om een finaleavond te spelen. De competitie loopt dus de hele periode en in week 6 worden de finales gespeeld. De inschrijvingen sluiten op 17 maart. Je ontvangt nog een mailtje met verdere informatie (uiterlijk 20 maart).

In period 5 the AcCie organises an internal competition. You can subscribe for the singles and/or (mixed) doubles. The doubles will be planned on wednesday evenenings march 28, april 4 and april 25. For the singles everyone could plan a day to play their matches themselves. The competition will be the whole period and in week 6 the finals will be played, on the 25th of april. The deadline for subscribing is on the 17th of March. You will receive an email with further information (before the 20th of March).

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BRAK 2018 @ Tennispark Kralingen
Mar 30 @ 4:00 pm – Apr 1 @ 10:00 pm

Tennis student association Passing Shot in Rotterdam is organizing a tournament which will take place in the weekend of 31th of March. We would like to go there with you! Next to playing tennis there is a beercantus, themeparty, karaoke and much more! The deadline to sign up for the tournament is the 16th of March.
So join us and sign up with this link.
If you sign up, send us an email so we can add you to the whatsapp group!


For more information take a look at their facebook page

Fundraising tournament @ NVLTB
Apr 2 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

On April 2nd, 1-5pm, the Anne vd Ban tournament will take place in Wageningen. All employees and students of WUR are invited to join our fundraiser. We’ll play men’s, women’s and mixed doubles. Registration closes on March 30.
All entry fees and other revenues will be donated to the Anne van den Ban Fund, which allows promising students from developing countries to follow an education at Wageningen University.
We will set up a second-hand market for used tennis gear, so if you have anything in good condition, bring it along and donate it.


Go to: subscription form until March 30
Events: men’s, women’s and mixed doubles (if you register individually, we’ll look for a partner for you)
Levels: beginner (8-9), intermediate (6-7), advanced (4-6)
Entry fee: 10€, 4€ for students

Thymos Racket tournament
Apr 4 @ 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Invitation Tournament @ NVLTB
Apr 11 @ 7:45 pm
Invitation Tournament @ NVLTB | Wageningen | Gelderland | Netherlands

The invitation tournament of the external committee (Externcie) is now placed on Wednesday the 11th of April!

The idea is still the same, we will play doubles so every Walhalla member can invite a non-member friend or family member to double with against others. Any experience is not required!
Please bring an extra racket for your partner if necessary. If that’s not possible we’ll bring some more.
We will provide some snacks and a free drink. The event will take place on the courts behind the Bongerd.


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Thymos Sports Gala
Apr 18 @ 9:00 pm – Apr 19 @ 2:00 am

The gala of SWU Thymos is coming again! This will take place on Wednesday the 18th of April. During this evening, sports clothes will be changed for dresses and suits. The perfect opportunity to spend a nice evening with each other!
There is a theme, namely ‘Candy Crush’, which means there is a competition ‘Can you crush other sports?’. So join us to crush all the other sports in Wageningen with tennis!

Furthermore, it is an important moment because the sport woman/man/team/trainer of the year will be elected. We can nominate the sport woman/man/team/trainer of the year ourselfs by using this link.

We would love to go to this Gala with you! To subscribe, go to their website.

NSK 2018 @ Olympos
May 16 @ 4:00 pm – May 20 @ 4:00 pm
NSK 2018 @ Olympos | Utrecht | Utrecht | Netherlands

The NSK is the biggest student tennis event of the year with about 500 students coming together! This is a tournament in which tennis players of every level can join. This year, TC de Uithof is organising it in Utrecht.

Obviously, tennis is the main part of this weekend but besides that there will be loads of other activities during the day and of course the best parties at night.
This year, there is an extra category called ‘Champions League’ in which our two best Walhalla members will participate. This will make for some great matches to watch!
If you’re not available all weekend but you don’t want to miss it, you can also subscribe for ‘louter bier drinken’ so you can still join for just the parties on Friday and/or Saturday!
So are you the best player of your strength among students? In this weekend you will find out!

The deadline to subscribe is April 29th.
Sign up here for the tournament.

If you want to join us, please also fill in the form below so we can add you to the whatsapp group and visit the NSK as a group!
For more information about the NSK, check their website or Facebook.

If you want to know what these external tournaments are like, we highly suggest checking out this page.

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Bestuurs Interesse Borrel @ NVLTB
May 22 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Bestuurs Interesse Borrel @ NVLTB | Wageningen | Gelderland | Netherlands
Lijkt een bestuursjaar jou wat? Ben je benieuwd wat een bestuurslid doet? Wil je helpen om Walhalla een nog mooiere vereniging te maken dan ze nu al is? Kom dan naar de Bestuurs Interesse Borrel op donderdag 17 mei 2018. Tijdens de Bestuurs Interesse Borrel zullen de huidige bestuursleden vertellen wat hun functie inhoudt en kun je al je vragen stellen over de functies.
Als je komt, laat ons dit dan even weten door een mailtje te sturen naar
Tournament: Summer Vibes
May 23 @ 7:45 pm – 11:15 pm

The holiday is closing in and the weather is getting better. This means it’s the perfect time to join the summer tournament next Wednesday, 23th of May. We will gather at 19:45 and the tournament will start at 20:00. Afterwards we will make some delicious cocktails to enjoy! It is ofcourse also allowed to just come and enjoy one of our cocktails! See you next Wednesday!

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Walhalla Weekend @ De Boersberg
May 25 @ 6:00 pm – May 27 @ 3:00 pm
Walhalla Weekend @ De Boersberg | Doorwerth | Gelderland | Netherlands

In the weekend of 25 May, G.T.C. Walhalla will organize the first member weekend in the history of Walhalla: Total Loss in het Sprookjesbos. On Friday the 25th of May we will travel by horse and carriage to our inn in Doorwerth where we will meet the seven dwarfs and Snowwhite. They will guide us through the mystical forestry of Doorwerth with their tennis rackets.

While the program has to stay secret, we will give away a few details; Pinocchio is going to give a tennis clinic, Hansel and Gretel will host an epic beercantus, Cinderella will distribute beers during an awesome party, and the wolf will bring meat for the barbeque.

There is a limit of 50 members that can join. Registration is now open!

For more information, see the WeekendCie page or contact us at

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