On the 13th of March, 2018, GTC Walhalla organizes a General Members Meeting. During this meeting, we will present our members the semi-annual report, budget estimation and a new HR/statuten. Furthermore the treasurer will give an update about the finances, a fine for missing lessons will be discussed.
Obvius Open is an external tournament open for everyone, which takes place in Delft. The difference with other open tournament is that this tournament counts for your rating. The theme of this tournament is Apollo 11. Next to playing a lot of tennis, there are some other activities, like a Full Moon party on friday and a beercantus on saterday.
The tournament takes place on 15-17 June. The deadline to sign up is May 28th. You can use this link to sign up.
For more information, take a look at their facebook.
Don’t forget to fill in the form below, so we can add you to the whatsapp group or find a partner for you!
No Fields Found.Next week Wednesday 20 June the Accie organizes a barbecue, which starts at 18:30. The weather forecasts are excellent, so join it and stay also for the party afterwards!
Finally: student tennis association Walhalla organizes her first open party! Take your friends with you, put on your ‘foute’ sportsoutfit, and experience the best night of your life! The doors are open from 23.00 – 02.00.
Facebook event:
Barbecue: https://www.facebook.com/events/942437592603840/
– English below –
Eindelijk is het zover: de studententennisvereniging van Wageningen organiseert haar eerste open feest!
Neem je vrienden mee, trek je foute sportoutfit aan en beleef de leukste nacht van je leven!
De deuren zijn open van 22.30 tot 02.00.
– English –
Finallly: student tennis association organizes their first open party! Take your friends with you, put on your ‘foute’ sportsoutfit, and experience the best night of your life!
Doors open from 22.30 till 02.00
Still have nothing planned for the weekend of 10-12 August? Join us and come play some tennis and party in Leiden! STV Qravel is organising an amazing open tournament this summer with the theme ‘Grease’. Next to the theme party on Saturday, they are organizing a barbecue, a boat tour (with drinks) and a beer olympiade. We plan on visiting Leiden together with a lot of Walhalla members! If you don’t know what these tournaments are like, visit the ExternCie page. The deadline to sign up is July 25th.
Sign up here.
Also, please fill in the form below to let us know you want to join! We will add you to the whatsapp group so we can go to Leiden as a group.
No Fields Found.Deze avond staat in het teken van het ontdekken van Walhalla als sport- en gezelligheidsvereniging. Kom een balletje slaan, een drankje doen, ff kletsen met het bestuur of gewoon lekker genieten van een potje beerpong. Heb je nu na de AID nog vragen over Walhalla en haar leden stel deze dan aan een van de aanwezige (bestuurs)leden. Achteraf zal er de mogelijkheid zijn om je in te schrijven als lid en zal er ook nog een borreltje gedaan worden in het clubhuis.
De avond zal om 19:30 beginnen en een echte eindtijd is er niet.
Tonight’s the first chance to experience what Walhalla has to offer in terms of a sports association. There will be a chance for you to get on court and hit some balls as well as have a drink afterwards with some of our members and our board. If you still had some questions about Walhalla tonight’s the night to do so. Afterwards there will be an opportunity to register as a member and we will have a drink in the club house.
The evening will start at 19:30 and we have no real set end time.
Deze avond staat in het teken van het ontdekken van Walhalla als sport- en gezelligheidsvereniging. Kom een balletje slaan, een drankje doen, ff kletsen met het bestuur of gewoon lekker genieten van een potje beerpong. Heb je nu na de AID nog vragen over Walhalla en haar leden stel deze dan aan een van de aanwezige (bestuurs)leden. Achteraf zal er de mogelijkheid zijn om je in te schrijven als lid en zal er ook nog een borreltje gedaan worden in het clubhuis.
De avond zal om 19:30 beginnen en een echte eindtijd is er niet.
Tonight’s the first chance to experience what Walhalla has to offer in terms of a sports association. There will be a chance for you to get on court and hit some balls as well as have a drink afterwards with some of our members and our board. If you still had some questions about Walhalla tonight’s the night to do so. Afterwards there will be an opportunity to register as a member and we will have a drink in the club house.
The evening will start at 19:30 and we have no real set end time.
During racket evenings we play short tennis matches. After 30 minutes we come together and shuffle the rackets, so everyone is coupled to someone else every round. Join us to integrate with your fellow members or interested students and train your tennis skills! If 19:30 is too early for you, it is also possible to join later in the evening to play tennis matches.
Afterwards we usually drink a beer with each other. We use the blue courts next to the Bongerd during this evening because of the Wageningen open on the NVLTB courts.
See you there!