Every week you will find one or more activities on, or next to the courts. Next to the trainings, national competition and free playing, you will find some examples below.
For upcoming activities, please check the planning-page.
Our weekly event: The Racket Evening
Every Tuesday there will be a racket evening from 8 pm, right after the Associations diner (Kooko). Participants are randomly divided into groups after which double matches are played for half an hour. After each match the groups are redistributed and the next matches start. A great possibility to meet new tennis players! Tennis balls are provided, so don’t hesitate to step by on Tuesdays!
When you visit the racket evening for the first time and you have questions, don’t hesitate to come by! Members of the Walhalla board will be around and are always willing to help you!
After playing, there is always the opportunity to have a drink with other members in our Clubhouse, where the Walhalla Bar Committee is ready to pour you the beers you deserved. So hope to see you all :)!
Multiple times every period the Walhalla Activities Committee organizes a tournament or another kind of event. Also an open evening is organised by the External Committee for new members to get to know the association. Make sure to check to poster of this period at the Planning-page.
To provide the Walhalla atmosphere to all Wageningen students, we organise Open Parties at our Clubhouse. Feel free to come by to party with friends from your study, house or other association!
Every year, the Weekend Committee organizes a whole weekend of fun, tennis and other activities. Normally, the weekend takes place in spring, so stay tuned for the next member weekend.
Club Championships
One of the proud activities the Walhalla Activities Committee organizes is the annual Club Championship at the end of the college year. This is always a big activity where the members of Walhalla are brought together, especially on the last day when everyone joins the BBQ. Of course the number one priority of the players is to win the honourable title of Club Champion of Walhalla, but the good environment at the courts is a nice advantage as well.
Professional tennis tournaments
Also trips to professional tennis tournaments are organised, like ABN Amro (Rotterdam), Libema open (Rosmalen) and even Roland Garros (Paris). Make sure to join these amazing days, evenings and even whole weekends to France!
Activities of NVLTB
NVLTB organizes also a lot of activities that you can join. Think of the Wageningen Open Tournament or the combined Walhalla-NVLTB club championships and other tournaments and internal competitions. For more information, you can check the agenda of the NVLTB.
Do you think there should be more and/or other activities or do you have a question? Or maybe you want to help with organizing an activity and join the activities committee? Just send an e-mail to algemenezaken@gtc-walhalla.nl.