Hi everyone!
My name is Leroy, and I’m third years Soil, Water, Atmosphere student. After playing some tennis in my youth, I rediscovered the sport when I started in Wageningen. For the past years, I’ve been an enthusiastic member of Walhalla. I love the tennis, though I’m not a very talented player. That’s why I decided to do a bunch of other stuff at Walhalla. Being a member of the WeekendCie and BarCie for instance. But also participating in the beerpong evenings, (smaller) tournaments, first Walweekend and all the external student tournaments I went to with some of you. I’ve had the opportunity to experience it all and enjoyed it very much! That’s why I now it’s time to join the board of our beautiful association, which I’m looking forward to very much.
This year, I’ll be responsible for the very core of Walhalla: the tennis. As Commissioner Technical Affairs, I’m will organise and improve the trainings and arrange the competition teams. Please step by on Tuesdays, or sent me an email at technischezaken@gtc-walhalla.nl if you have any questions!
See you at the tennis courts!