Become a Walhalla member

Are you convinced and do you want to join Walhalla? Great! You can sign up below.

Sign up form 2024

Fields marked with an * are required

You’re about to subscribe for The Wageningen tennis association: G.T.C. Walhalla.

Please note that you need to have a WUR card with sports rights to join our association. If you are not is possesion of sports rights, and Walhalla gets a fine, you will have to pay for it.

Hi, we're Walhalla, who are you?

How can we reach you?

WUR credentials

If you don't have your WUR card yet, you can skip this section

Did you play tennis before?

If you already played tennis in The Netherlands, fill in this section, otherwise you can skip this

Payment information

By filling in this form, I agree with the SEPA recurrent Direct Debit authorisation (automatisch incasso). You can read the details here

Upload your picture!

We need a picture to upload to your digital KNLTB card, so please choose a picture in which your face is clearly visible. 

You can upload your picture here and paste the link in the box below.

Note: only people with the link can see the uploaded file. If you are however not comfortable with uploading your photo to imgur, please send the photo to

Walhalla Privacy Statement

You can read our privacy statement by clicking on this link.

That's it! Ready to go?

If you have any question left, don’t hesitate contacting us at