
Wageningen Open @ NVLTB
Sep 15 – Sep 23 all-day
Wageningen Open @ NVLTB | Wageningen | Gelderland | Netherlands

The Wageningen tournament of the year is coming closer. Wageningen Open 2018 will be hold from 15 till 23 September. This is your chance to show your skills. The single category is based on your actual rating for the first time in this tournament. Who will be the best in your category? Registration is possible via the link below.


Invitation Tournament @ NVLTB
Sep 26 @ 7:45 pm
Invitation Tournament @ NVLTB | Wageningen | Gelderland | Netherlands

On Wednesday the 26th of September the external committee (ExternCie) is organizing an invitation tournament!
We will play doubles so every Walhalla member can invite a non-member friend or family member to double with against others. Any experience is not required!
Please bring an extra racket for your partner if necessary. If that’s not possible we’ll bring some more.
We will provide some snacks and drinks.

This event is also accessible to students which aren’t Walhalla member, as long as you find a double partner.

The deadline to sign up is Tuesday 25 September before 17.00 so we can create a schedule.

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Committee Evening @ NVLTB
Sep 27 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Committee Evening @ NVLTB | Wageningen | Gelderland | Netherlands

This evening is all about our committees. Meet all of our 9 committees, while having a drink with your (new) Walhalla buddies. Here you can learn what every committee does and what kind of people are in these committees. Maybe you’ll be interested or you are already interested in joining a committee. Even if you don’t, it will be a cozy and amusable evening. So, don’t hesitate and be there on this enjoyable evening.

Stennis Open @ M.S.T.V. Stennis
Sep 28 @ 6:00 pm – Sep 30 @ 6:00 pm
Stennis Open @ M.S.T.V. Stennis | Maastricht | Limburg | Netherlands

M.S.T.V. Stennis uit Maastricht is organizing an open tournament this September. Join us for a weekend of playing tennis and awesome parties!
The deadline to sign up has been extended to Friday September 14th. Sign up here for the tournament and check their Facebook page here.
Also, make sure to fill in the form below to let us know you signed up and we will contact you!

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WalFest 2018 @ NVLTB
Oct 3 @ 11:00 pm – Oct 4 @ 4:00 am
WalFest 2018 @ NVLTB | Wageningen | Gelderland | Netherlands

At wednesday the 3rd of October, Walhalla’s second open party will take place called WalFest™. The theme will be Oktoberfest, so the German beers and other good stuff will be waiting for you.  So put on your Lederhose and join us is in the most wonderful sports party of the year.

The doors will be opened from 23:00-02:00. Walhalla members can come by any time. Also for members this party is free, for external people it costs 1 euro. So all come to the great WalFest™ and enjoy the German lifestyle for a night!

Fall Doubles @ NVLTB
Oct 4 @ 9:25 am – Oct 31 @ 10:25 am
Fall Doubles @ NVLTB | Wageningen | Gelderland | Netherlands

In the whole month of October the Fall Doubles will take place on the courts of NVLTB. This is a wide-spread tournament in October where you’ll be put in a poule and play matches against and play with others in the poule of the same level. Tuesday and thursday are the days when these matches will be played (of course not every tuesday and thursday). You will play together one time with everyone of your poule, so you don’t have to find a double partner and registration is done on your own. You can choose between one of the following tennis parts: men doubles, women doubles and mixed doubles. You can register for these Fall Doubles by sending your name, preference (which doubles) and level to and is possible until 28-9 midnight.

P.S. don’t confuse this with the Fall Tournament which will take place on the 10th of October.

General Members Meeting @ Forum C0521
Oct 30 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
General Members Meeting @ Forum C0521 | Wageningen | Gelderland | Netherlands

The documents for the GMM have been sent to you by e-mail. Didn’t receive them? Please feel free to contact

Lasergame @ NVLTB
Oct 31 @ 7:45 pm
Lasergame @ NVLTB | Wageningen | Gelderland | Netherlands

It’s back! Our chairman’s favourite activity, lasergaming! Is there a tennis player in Walhalla whom you’ve always wanted to blast with a lasergun? Well now is your chance! Come and join the Accie and shoot to your hearts content! The activity will be Halloween themed so it would be great if everyone could dress up in some way or another.  

We will gather at the NVLTB around 19:45 and we will bike to the battlefield from there. The activity will cost 4 euros.  

We hope to see many of you because it’s gonna be legen- Wait for it…….. –DARY!!  

Op aandringen van onze voorzitter en omdat we het natuurlijk gewoon geweldig  vinden om elkaar en andere leden verrot te schieten organiseert de Accie weer lasergamen. Is er een lid wie je altijd al eens hebt willen neerschieten om welke reden dan ook? Kom dan met ons samen lasergamen en schiet diegene lek. Aangezien 31 oktober ook Halloween is zou het leuk zijn als iedereen enigszins in thema zou komen. 

We zullen om 19:45 uur verzamelen bij de NVLTB en zullen daarvandaan naar het slachtveld toe fietsen. De activiteit zal 4 euro kosten. 

We hopen veel van jullie te zien want wij hebben er in ieder geval zin in!

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Bestuurs Interesse Borrel @ NVLTB
Nov 6 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Bestuurs Interesse Borrel @ NVLTB | Wageningen | Gelderland | Netherlands
Lijkt een bestuursjaar jou wat? Ben je benieuwd wat een bestuurslid doet? Wil je helpen om Walhalla een nog mooiere vereniging te maken dan ze nu al is? Kom dan naar de Bestuurs Interesse Borrel op donderdag 9 november 2017.
In Januari komen de posities van Commissaris Algemene Zaken, Technisch Commissaris en Secretaris vrij. Tijdens de Bestuurs Interesse Borrel zullen de huidige bestuursleden vertellen wat hun functie inhoudt en kun je al je vragen stellen over de functies.
De functies Commissaris Algemene Zaken en Technisch Commissaris zijn in principe voor een jaar, de functie van Secretaris is voor een half jaar (deze schuift na een half jaar door naar de functie van voorzitter).
Als je komt, laat ons dit dan even weten door een mailtje te sturen naar
Palmintocht @ Wageningen
Nov 7 @ 8:00 pm – 11:45 pm
Palmintocht @ Wageningen

Every year there is one special evening in Wageningen when only Palm beer is drunk in the pubs: de Palmintocht! For this evening you buy a card/ticket which you use to drink a Palm beer in eight different pubs. You’ll only have to pay 10 euros for this card/ticket, so you drink a nice glass of Palm beer for just over 1 euro! This year the event will take place on Wednesday the 7th of November and many Walhalla members are going together. If you want to join too, don’t hesitate to send us a pm before November 1st and we’ll make sure we get you a card/ticket too!