Wil jij ook meer uit je tijd bij Walhalla halen? Heb je hart voor de vereniging? Ben jij op zoek naar een hechtere groep binnen Walhalla? Dan nodigt E.W.G.T.D. Einherjar jou uit voor de open interesseborrel op Woensdag 30 maart uit op de toko. Als dispuut houden wij ons bezig actief samen zijn, activiteiten organiseren (borrels, BBB, BBQs, weekenden etc.), inzetten voor de vereniging en het goede doel en proberen wij het Noorse aspect van Walhalla verder te ontwikkelen. Dus, heb jij interesse schrijf je dan in via onderstaand formulier!
No Fields Found.Je weet wat ze zeggen, BRAK zijn is meemaken! Ook dit vijfde jaar pakt R.S.T.V. Passing Shot weer groots uit. Geniet van vrijdag 1 tot en met zondag 3 april 2022 van de leukste wedstrijden, borrels en vele BRAKke ochtenden. Het weekend zal gevuld zijn met sportieve tenniswedstrijden, activiteiten naast en op de baan en in de avond wordt er volop gedronken en gefeest (Biercantus, Silent Disco, Bierfiets, en meer)! Dus wil jij een weekend van dit alles genieten? Gooi dan je studieboeken voor een weekend aan de kant en reis af naar het zonnige Rotterdam.
Schrijf je alvast in via onderstaand formulier om toegevoegd te worden aan de WhatsApp groep!
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The racketevening is a fun way to play some tennis, meet fellow members and grab a drink with eachother after playing (you can also come by when you won’t play tennis). You play doubles for rounds of half an hour, after which the rackets will be tossed to form new pairs. The first shift starts at 20:00, but you can come and go whenever you like. If you have any questions during the evening, you can go to the people behind the bar, they will be happy to help you!

On Wednesday the 6th of April, we organise an evening spring double tournament together with the NVLTB It will start between 18:30-19:00 and it will end around 23:00. You can sign up until the 31st of March by sending an e-mail to recretos@nvltb.nl
. In the e-mail you should provide the name of your doubles partner if you found one, however you can also sign up on your own. You also need to add your playing strength. Finally, you should add ‘Lentetoernooi’ as subject of the e-mail.
We hope to see you all there!

The racketevening is a fun way to play some tennis, meet fellow members and grab a drink with eachother after playing (you can also come by when you won’t play tennis). You play doubles for rounds of half an hour, after which the rackets will be tossed to form new pairs. The first shift starts at 20:00, but you can come and go whenever you like. If you have any questions during the evening, you can go to the people behind the bar, they will be happy to help you!
Hi all! Anyone feel like meeting other first years and playing some games? Thursday, 14th of April we are organizing a fun game night at the Toko. There will be multiple rounds during which you can play small games like Twister, Halli Galli and beer pong. You can sign up with a friend or individually (then we will pair you up with someone).
Hope to see you there!
– First Year’s Committee/EJC

The racketevening is a fun way to play some tennis, meet fellow members and grab a drink with eachother after playing (you can also come by when you won’t play tennis). You play doubles for rounds of half an hour, after which the rackets will be tossed to form new pairs. The first shift starts at 20:00, but you can come and go whenever you like. If you have any questions during the evening, you can go to the people behind the bar, they will be happy to help you!
This Thursday, the 21st of April, the AlmanakCie organizes a very fun Flunkyball Tournament for all members! You will battle with your team against other teams in some Flunkyball matches, something you wouldn’t miss! Sign up via the form below.
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The racketevening is a fun way to play some tennis, meet fellow members and grab a drink with eachother after playing (you can also come by when you won’t play tennis). You play doubles for rounds of half an hour, after which the rackets will be tossed to form new pairs. The first shift starts at 20:00, but you can come and go whenever you like. If you have any questions during the evening, you can go to the people behind the bar, they will be happy to help you!