The holiday is sadly over… but we will start this year off strong with the tournament Stennis Open!
Besides playing tennis there will also be a lot of fun activities! So, make sure you sign up for those too.
We will be going from the 27th till the 29th of September, so you will not miss any of your courses.
Remember, you can sign up till the 10th of September so be fast! No Fields Found.
From now on, every week Walhalla organises a racket evening for its members. We play short matches of half an hour, after which shuffle the rackets, and play again with random couples. Please come and go as you wish on Tuesday evenings at the courts at the clubhouse from 8 pm.
Want to have a break, or don’t want to play tennis at all? Join the BarCie for a nice drink and a good talk, since this evening, Walhalla is in control of the bar!
See you there!
From now on, every week Walhalla organises a racket evening for its members. We play short matches of half an hour, after which shuffle the rackets, and play again with random couples. Please come and go as you wish on Tuesday evenings at the courts at the clubhouse from 8 pm.
Want to have a break, or don’t want to play tennis at all? Join the BarCie for a nice drink and a good talk, since this evening, Walhalla is in control of the bar!
See you there!
In the weekend of 11 October, Walhalla will organize her second member weekend ever, which is themed ‘FestiFall.’ The location will be announced later on and the program will stay a secret for the time being, but we can reveal that the famous beer cantus will return and that tennis will be present during this weekend. Also, this weekend can be the perfect opportunity for freshmen to learn to know each other and the other members of Walhalla. It will cost 40 euros and this is including food, drinks, activities, etc. Don’t hesitate and register now.
No Fields Found.From now on, every week Walhalla organises a racket evening for its members. We play short matches of half an hour, after which shuffle the rackets, and play again with random couples. Please come and go as you wish on Tuesday evenings at the courts at the clubhouse from 8 pm.
Want to have a break, or don’t want to play tennis at all? Join the BarCie for a nice drink and a good talk, since this evening, Walhalla is in control of the bar!
See you there!
From now on, every week Walhalla organises a racket evening for its members. We play short matches of half an hour, after which shuffle the rackets, and play again with random couples. Please come and go as you wish on Tuesday evenings at the courts at the clubhouse from 8 pm.
Want to have a break, or don’t want to play tennis at all? Join the BarCie for a nice drink and a good talk, since this evening, Walhalla is in control of the bar!
See you there!
From now on, every week Walhalla organises a racket evening for its members. We play short matches of half an hour, after which shuffle the rackets, and play again with random couples. Please come and go as you wish on Tuesday evenings at the courts at the clubhouse from 8 pm.
Want to have a break, or don’t want to play tennis at all? Join the BarCie for a nice drink and a good talk, since this evening, Walhalla is in control of the bar!
See you there!
Een nieuw jaar met nieuwe kansen, en een nieuwe activiteit! Op 30 oktober vindt het stoortoernooi plaats. Met zijn vieren speel je een toernooitje waarbij elk persoon in een servicevak staat. Zodra je alle letters van je zelf gekozen woord hebt is het kontje of rondje.. Wees niet bang, alles wordt nog ter plekke uitgelegd! Naast het stoortoernooi is er binnen de mogelijkheid om diverse spelletjes te spelen. Schrijf je hier individueel in, dit kan tot en met dinsdag 29 oktober!
A new year with new chances, and a new activity! On October 30th, the ‘stoor tournament’ takes place. With four people you play a tournament. As soon as your team has obtained all the lettres of your chosen word it is ass or round… don’t be afraid, everything will be explained there! While some people are doing this tournament, the others will be playing several games inside. Please subscribe individually, this will be possible until Tuesday, October 29th!
No Fields Found.From now on, every week Walhalla organises a racket evening for its members. We play short matches of half an hour, after which shuffle the rackets, and play again with random couples. Please come and go as you wish on Tuesday evenings at the courts at the clubhouse from 8 pm.
Want to have a break, or don’t want to play tennis at all? Join the BarCie for a nice drink and a good talk, since this evening, Walhalla is in control of the bar!
See you there!