In the first lecture week G.T.C. Walhalla and NVLTB organise the fall doubles tournament together! The leisure time committee of the NVLTB will cook a typical Dutch soup, called snert of ertwensoup. It’s delicious, so come play some tennis matches and try this soup. You can participate in one entry.
To submit:

Tijdens de ALV van 8 november zullen vier commissies opgericht worden, waarvoor nog een aantal mensen nodig zijn. De vier commissies zijn:
- BarCie
- WeekendCie
- ExternCie

- Installation of 4 new committees: WeekendCie, ExternCie, GNSKCie and BarCie;
- Presentation of the budget allocation;
- Fine for people who attend less than half of the lessons
- Change of commissioners’ titles:
- Commissioner Activities -> Commissioner of General Affairs
- Commissioner Lessons & Competition -> Technical Commissioner
You can find all the motions in this file: INT_DOC_ALV_NOV_8_Motions.

During racket evenings we play short tennismatches. After 30 minutes we come together and shuffle the rackets, so everyone is every round coupled to someone else. Join us to integrate with your fellow members and train your tennisskills!
From now on our racketevenings will only be with students. Afterwards we usually drink a beer with eachother. We use the courts of the NVLTB during this evening.

During racket evenings we play short tennismatches. After 30 minutes we come together and shuffle the rackets, so everyone is every round coupled to someone else. Join us to integrate with your fellow members and train your tennisskills!
From now on our racketevenings will only be with students. Afterwards we usually drink a beer with eachother. We use the courts of the NVLTB during this evening.

During racket evenings we play short tennismatches. After 30 minutes we come together and shuffle the rackets, so everyone is every round coupled to someone else. Join us to integrate with your fellow members and train your tennisskills!
From now on our racketevenings will only be with students. Afterwards we usually drink a beer with eachother. We use the courts of the NVLTB during this evening.