Every year there is one special evening in Wageningen when only Palm beer is drunk in the pubs: de Palmintocht! For this evening you buy a card/ticket which you use to drink a Palm beer in eight different pubs. You’ll only have to pay 10 euros for this card/ticket, so you drink a nice glass of Palm beer for just over 1 euro! This year the event will take place on Wednesday the 7th of November and many Walhalla members are going together. If you want to join too, don’t hesitate to send us a pm before November 1st and we’ll make sure we get you a card/ticket too!

Dear party people,
On the 27th of February, WaHo and Walhalla organize their first party together: Après Ski Party! So put on your nicest costume and come party with us!
Freunden und Freundinnen,
Auf dem 27. Februar organisieren WaHo und GTC Walhalla zum ersten Mal eine Party zusammen. Und das Thema ist Après Ski! So kommen sie allen in dein schönstes Apres-Ski-Kostüm und feier die Party mit uns!

EXTC is volgens TC de Uithof hét evenement dat je echt niet mag missen tijdens je studententijd.Dit jaar valt de EXTC in het weekend van 23 t/m 25 augustus met als thema: ‘Freeks wilde wereldreis’. Van vrijdag t/m zondag is EXTC gevuld met tennis, feest en gezelligheid. Het is een weekend waarin deelnemers en commissie doorgaan tot de vroege uurtjes om de volgende dag weer stralend (of niet) op de baan te staan.
Je geeft je voor dit toernooi niet op met een dubbelpartner, maar je speelt in teams van 4. Er zijn meerdere tennisrondes en er mag tijdens de ronde gewisseld worden van samenstelling. De twee niet-tennissende teamgenoten, moedigen de twee tennissende teamgenoten natuurlijk aan onder het genot van een heerlijk koud biertje.
Als je niet wilt tennissen, kan je je ook inschrijven voor ‘louter feesten en chillen’.
De inschrijfdeadline is 11 augustus. Vergeet je niet in te schrijven via deze link! Laat ook weten aan ons of je mee gaat, door het formulier hier beneden in te vullen.
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From the 26th of August till the 1st of September Veracket Open takes place. The theme is Juracket Park and there will be a beer cantus on Friday and an Oktoberfest on Saturday, so come join us in Groningen!
You can sign up here till the 17th of August.
Please also let us know you are coming by filling in the form below.
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SET is the external doubles tournament of N.L.S.T.C. Slow. Rating is not important, so your doubles partner could have any player strength. Two parties are organised on Friday and Saturday night (and a beer cantus!). A place to sleep can be arranged. The tournament is from the 28th of February till the 1st of March (but it’s no problem if you are unavailable on Friday!). The deadline for signing up is the 18th of February.
The theme is: “Pompen op je klompen!”
You prefer drinking beers all weekend? This is possible too. There is no need to play tennis.
Walhalla is going with a group of members, to have an unforgettable weekend full of tennis, beers and hangovers!
See you there!
Fill in the form below to let us know if you’re going! This is not your subscription to the tournament, you have to sign up on the website of N.L.S.T.C. Slow: https://slowtennis.nl/set-2020-pompen-op-je-klompen/
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This is the event for August 30th, there is another one for September 2nd!
In the first week of the academic year, there are two open evenings at Walhalla: on Monday and Thursday. If you’re interested in playing tennis or are just looking for some fun and meeting new people, you should come to our open evening!
This evening, we will play some tennis and you’ll get to feel the atmosphere of Walhalla and the bar. Because of COVID-19, the amount of people that can come to the open evening is restricted, therefore we are asking you to sign up in advance so we can regulate this. After signing up, you will get assigned to a time slot in which you can come to the Walhalla courts (so not the blue ones of the Bongerd), at the clubhouse behind the sport halls. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an experienced player, we will keep this in mind when dividing you into groups.
The open evening is there to show you our association and to answer all your questions. Signing up for the open evening does not mean that you sign up as a member (but we hope you will do so afterwards ofcourse!).
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This is the event for September 2nd, there is another one for August 30th!
In the first week of the academic year, there are two open evenings at Walhalla: on Monday and Thursday. If you’re interested in playing tennis or are just looking for some fun and meeting new people, you should come to our open evening!
This evening, we will play some tennis and you’ll get to feel the atmosphere of Walhalla and the bar. Because of COVID-19, the amount of people that can come to the open evening is restricted, therefore we are asking you to sign up in advance so we can regulate this. After signing up, you will get assigned to a time slot in which you can come to the Walhalla courts (so not the blue ones of the Bongerd), at our clubhouse behind the sport halls. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an experienced player, we will keep this in mind when dividing you into groups.
The open evening is there to show you our association and to answer all your questions. Signing up for the open evening does not mean that you sign up as a member (but we hope you will do so afterwards ofcourse!).
During the Open Evening, there will be timeslot (due to corona measures). Please indicate in the form for which time slots you are available. You will be able to play some tennis, and have drinks on our terrace.
If you can, please bring your own racket, because there will only be a limited amount of rackets available.
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