From now on, every week Walhalla organises a racket evening for its members. We play short matches of half an hour, after which shuffle the rackets, and play again with random couples. Please come and go as you wish on Tuesday evenings at the courts at the clubhouse from 8 pm (signing up is not necessary).
It is also possible to join already at 18:30 at the ‘kooko’: a nicely prepared dinner by the cooking committee for 4 euros. You can sign up via: Kooko.
Want to have a break during the racket evening, or don’t want to play tennis at all? Join the BarCie for a nice drink and a good talk, since this evening, Walhalla is in control of the bar!
See you there!
(English down below)
WIP (Walhalla’s Integratie Partijtjes) is het eerste externe toernooi van GTC Walhalla. Je schrijft je samen met een dubbelpartner in en wordt vervolgens gekoppeld aan twee deelnemers uit dezelfde categorie. Je zult dus aantreden in teams van vier. Dit team speelt twee dubbelwedstrijdjes op tijd (per teamclash) waarbij het team een punt (in feite een set) krijgt voor een overwinning. Vervolgens kan er via de ‘derde set’ een overwinning binnengesleept worden. De derde set bestaat uit een van de alternatieve spellen die via het rad wordt bepaald, zoals bierpong en volleybal. Deze spellen worden grotendeels in teams van vier tegen een ander team van vier gespeeld.
Ons toernooi zal plaatsvinden in het weekend van 12, 13 en 14 juni, op Bornsesteeg 8 in Wageningen. Het terrein zal omgebouwd worden tot een tropisch subparadijs waarbij er op deze zomerse dagen grote en kleine zwembaden aanwezig zullen zijn, er spannende wedstrijden worden gespeeld en er twee leuke feesten met bier en gezelligheid op de planning staan. Er zal een zatte (ook natte) biercantus zijn. Vind jij het niet erg om nat te worden? Dan ben je bij ons op de juiste plek! En vind je het niet erg zat te worden? Dat is pech, want ons toernooi wordt je nooit zat 😉 Kortom, mis deze primeur niet en zorg dat je je op tijd inschrijft!
De inschrijvingen zullen binnenkort opengaan!
WIP (Walhalla’s Integration Parties) is the first external tournament of GTC Walhalla. You can register yourself together with a double partner and you will be linked with two participants from the same category. You will therefore play in teams of four. This team plays two double matches on time (per team clash) where the team gets a point (in fact a set) for a win. A victory can be dragged in via the “third set”. The third set consists of one of the alternative games that is determined via a wheel, games such as beer pong and volleyball will be part of this wheel. These games are largely played in teams of four people against another team of four.
Our tournament will take place on the weekend of June 12, 13 and 14, at Bornsesteeg 8, Wageningen. The ground will transform into a tropical sub-paradise with large and small swimming pools (which is perfect during these summer days!), also exciting competitions will be played and two fun parties with beer and lots of fun are planned. There will be a drunk (also wet) beer cantus. Don’t you mind getting wet? Then you’ve come to the right place! And don’t you mind getting tired of it? That is bad luck, because you will never be tired of our tournament 😉 In short, do not miss this scoop and make sure you register on time!
Registration will open soon!

From now on, every week Walhalla organises a racket evening for its members. We play short matches of half an hour, after which shuffle the rackets, and play again with random couples. Please come and go as you wish on Tuesday evenings at the courts at the clubhouse from 8 pm (signing up is not necessary).
It is also possible to join already at 18:30 at the ‘kooko’: a nicely prepared dinner by the cooking committee for 4 euros. You can sign up via: Kooko.
Want to have a break during the racket evening, or don’t want to play tennis at all? Join the BarCie for a nice drink and a good talk, since this evening, Walhalla is in control of the bar!
See you there!

From now on, every week Walhalla organises a racket evening for its members. We play short matches of half an hour, after which shuffle the rackets, and play again with random couples. Please come and go as you wish on Tuesday evenings at the courts at the clubhouse from 8 pm (signing up is not necessary).
It is also possible to join already at 18:30 at the ‘kooko’: a nicely prepared dinner by the cooking committee for 4 euros. You can sign up via: Kooko.
Want to have a break during the racket evening, or don’t want to play tennis at all? Join the BarCie for a nice drink and a good talk, since this evening, Walhalla is in control of the bar!
See you there!

From now on, every week Walhalla organises a racket evening for its members. We play short matches of half an hour, after which shuffle the rackets, and play again with random couples. Please come and go as you wish on Tuesday evenings at the courts at the clubhouse from 8 pm (signing up is not necessary).
It is also possible to join already at 18:30 at the ‘kooko’: a nicely prepared dinner by the cooking committee for 4 euros. You can sign up via: Kooko.
Want to have a break during the racket evening, or don’t want to play tennis at all? Join the BarCie for a nice drink and a good talk, since this evening, Walhalla is in control of the bar!
See you there!

On the first week of the academic year, there is an open evening at Walhalla on Wednesday. If you’re interested in playing tennis or are just looking for some fun and meeting new people, you should come to our open evening!
This evening, we will play some tennis and you’ll get to feel the atmosphere of Walhalla and the bar. Because of COVID-19, the amount of people that can come to the open evening is restricted, therefore we are asking you to sign up in advance so we can regulate this. After signing up, you will get assigned to a time slot in which you can come to the Walhalla courts (so not the blue ones of the Bongerd), at the clubhouse behind the sport halls. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an experienced player, we will keep this in mind when dividing you into groups.
The open evening is there to show you our association and to answer all your questions. Signing up for the open evening does not mean that you sign up as a member (but we hope you will do so afterwards ofcourse!).
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Wageningen Open will go on! It will take place from 7-20 September and it will be the first tournament of the year on our courts. As you might have seen, the tournament covers two weeks so there is more space to play and to have foreclosures. In singles you will be placed in a specific category based on your actual rating. In doubles you can choose a category yourselves. A maximum of two categories is allowed. Because of COVID-19, the experience of the tournament might be different than the previous years, but we will make something great out of it. Registration is possible until the 28th of August and can be done via the link below:

On the 16th of September, the General Members Meeting will take place. Here, the board change will happen and plans about the upcoming year will be discussed. The meeting takes place on Zoom, so you don’t even have to leave your own house to attend! Get a few drinks and snacks, and welcome the new board of Walhalla 🙂
The Zoom link will be found on this page and will be send by mail and Whatsapp. See you there!

This evening, the traditional First Years Tournament will be held. Every new member of Walhalla can sign up for this tournament. It’s a great opportunity to meet new people to play tennis with (or to have some drinks with ofcourse). Your partner will be another new member of the same level you have, and together you compete against other couples!