De pepernoten liggen weer in de winkel, op de radio zijn weer kerstliedjes te horen en hier en daar zie je weer een oliebollenkraam tevoorschijn komen. Dat betekent maar één ding, het is tijd voor cadeautjes, gezelligheid en lekker eten. Kom daarom op woensdag 4 december samen met de Accie sinterkerstennieuw vieren bij de NVLTB. De leden van de Accie zullen weer een culinair hoogstandje aan u voorschotelen en na dit koningsmaal zullen er verschillende spelletjes worden gespeeld waarbij cadeautjes centraal staan.
De activiteit begint om 19:00 en zal 5 euro kosten. Daarnaast willen wij iedereen verzoeken om een paar cadeautjes mee te nemen om de spelletjes mee te spelen. Pak de cadeaus in, zodat je niet weet wat er in zit.
Let op, aantal inschrijvingen is beperkt! Schrijf je optijd in!
The end of the year is coming up which means that a lot of festivities will be taking place. Sinterklaas will be stopping by, santa is preparing to make his trip around the world and everyone is making themselves ready for 2019. We from the Accie wanted to do something to commemorate these events so we decided to make a dinner for every member to join in on. Afterwards we will be playing some games in which gifts will play a prominent role. The activity will take place on the 4th of December.
The activity will start at 19:00 and will cost 5 euros. We would also like to ask everyone to bring some gifts so we can play the games after the dinner. Be sure to wrap them so no one can see what’s inside of the package
Pay attention, there are a limited amount of places available! Make sure you subscribe as soon as possible.
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From now on, every week Walhalla organises a racket evening for its members. We play short matches of half an hour, after which shuffle the rackets, and play again with random couples. Please come and go as you wish on Tuesday evenings at the courts at the clubhouse from 8 pm.
Want to have a break, or don’t want to play tennis at all? Join the BarCie for a nice drink and a good talk, since this evening, Walhalla is in control of the bar!
See you there!
From now on, every week Walhalla organises a racket evening for its members. We play short matches of half an hour, after which shuffle the rackets, and play again with random couples. Please come and go as you wish on Tuesday evenings at the courts at the clubhouse from 8 pm.
Want to have a break, or don’t want to play tennis at all? Join the BarCie for a nice drink and a good talk, since this evening, Walhalla is in control of the bar!
See you there!
Between Christmas and New Year’s Eve there’s one last tournament of 2019 in which you can participate. T.C. Veracket organises a Winter Open Doubles Tournament which you don’t want to miss! Christmas break offers plenty of time for family visits, friends, work and drinks, so no excuses 🙂
Keep 27th to 30th of December free and come with us to Groningen!
Signing up can be done via the following form.
No Fields Found.From now on, every week Walhalla organises a racket evening for its members. We play short matches of half an hour, after which shuffle the rackets, and play again with random couples. Please come and go as you wish on Tuesday evenings at the courts at the clubhouse from 8 pm (signing up is not necessary).
It is also possible to join already at 18:30 at the ‘kooko’: a nicely prepared dinner by the cooking committee for 4 euros. You can sign up via: Kooko.
Want to have a break during the racket evening, or don’t want to play tennis at all? Join the BarCie for a nice drink and a good talk, since this evening, Walhalla is in control of the bar!
See you there!
To start the new year in style, Walhalla organises a tournament in collaboration with the NVLTB, on the 8th of January.
The tournament starts at 7 pm and you can sign up (individually or with your partner for one category: women’s doubles, men’s doubles or mixed doubles.
After the tournament there are many (free) drinks and snacks to enjoy! Not participating? You can of course still come by for a nice refreshment!
Signing up is possible until the 6th of January via the form down below.
— Submission is closed —
From now on, every week Walhalla organises a racket evening for its members. We play short matches of half an hour, after which shuffle the rackets, and play again with random couples. Please come and go as you wish on Tuesday evenings at the courts at the clubhouse from 8 pm (signing up is not necessary).
It is also possible to join already at 18:30 at the ‘kooko’: a nicely prepared dinner by the cooking committee for 4 euros. You can sign up via: Kooko.
Want to have a break during the racket evening, or don’t want to play tennis at all? Join the BarCie for a nice drink and a good talk, since this evening, Walhalla is in control of the bar!
See you there!
On Wednesday the 15th of January, a General Members Meeting (GMM) with a board change will take place in Forum C0317. The GMM starts at 8 pm. At this GMM, the setup of the LustrumCie is discussed.
This GMM, a board change takes place. The 77th candidate board exists of :
Chairwoman: Martine Landman
Secretary: Simone Treur
Treasurer: Floris Dautzenberg
Commissioner General Affairs: Aimee Breuls
Commissioner Technical Affairs: Rutger Leenders
A complete overview can be seen in the agenda you received by mail. This is where you will find the documents of the subject that will be discussed as well.
In case you have any additional questions that you think should be answered during the GMM, send an e-mail to
From now on, every week Walhalla organises a racket evening for its members. We play short matches of half an hour, after which shuffle the rackets, and play again with random couples. Please come and go as you wish on Tuesday evenings at the courts at the clubhouse from 8 pm (signing up is not necessary).
It is also possible to join already at 18:30 at the ‘kooko’: a nicely prepared dinner by the cooking committee for 4 euros. You can sign up via: Kooko.
Want to have a break during the racket evening, or don’t want to play tennis at all? Join the BarCie for a nice drink and a good talk, since this evening, Walhalla is in control of the bar!
See you there!