As member of Walhalla it is possible to participate in the National and District competition, which is organized by the KNLTB. You can participate with a team of at least four players. More information can be found on the National and District Competition page.
The competition starts two times a year: in autumn and spring. We will announce when it is possible to register. If you have any questions, contact the Commissioner Technical Affairs (e-mail)
If you do not want to participate in the National/ District competition, you can play some matches during the annual club championships! The activity committee will inform you when they are going to organize this event. Of course you can also check the planning page! To practise your match-skills you can join the racket evening, which is organized every week!
Why compete in the national competition?
In the Netherlands, ever since 1900 tennis associations have come together to play matches in spirit of the competition. It might look like playing competition is just playing a series of matches for a couple of weeks, but there is more to it. Competition brings people together.
• First of all competition means playing in a team, so it is a great opportunity to meet new people and together face the challenge of winning all matches in the name of Walhalla (!!) and perhaps continue this yearly.
• It also brings along a great mood at the courts. People from Walhalla, tennis members and perhaps other friends and family are willing to cheer for you and your team.
It is a great way to determine the tennis strength of Walhalla in comparison to other tennis associations. Note that you can only participate for the competition with one tennis club. If you will be playing competition via another tennis club as well, please mention this in the e-mail of subscription for the competition. Playing for two clubs should be requested in advance.
More information about competition can be found by clicking here:
• General info competition (Dutch)